360Thursday, March 15, 2007

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:307
NASPE/Sport Philosophy Academy
Parent/Child Connection and Moral Reasoning in Sport
Questions about the character of athletes have been around for centuries. How are young athletes reconciling the differences of what is acceptable on a playing field and is not acceptable in the larger society, especially when they are at an early point in their moral development? The purpose of this program is to present data on the ethical dilemmas youth face in sport as well as to explore who is influential in the young person’s life in regards to ethical decision making. The research will compare parent’s beliefs and ethical decision making with the child’s beliefs and choices.
Keyword(s): standards and ethics, youth sports
Speakers: Rosanne Keathley, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX; Judy R. Sandlin, Liberty University, Big Island, VA; and Diana E. Avans, Vanguard University, Costa Mesa, CA

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