232Wednesday, March 14, 2007

12:15 PM-1:30 PMConvention Center:328
Wanted: Women Coaches (only Superwomen need apply---NOT!!)
Many unique challenges face women who want to coach, but also "do it all": coach their passion, be an outstanding teacher AND have a family. This session will give potential/current coaches insight into the challenges facing them and practical advise from a high school coach that has taken the "leap of faith " to "do it all" and survived 30 years in the trenches! This session will provide information and affirmations that women can indeed make life choices that do not preclude being successful only as a coach, teacher, OR a mother, but to accomplish all these roles successfully.
Keyword(s): coaching, professional preparation, sport topics
Speaker: Sheila J. Syvrud, Walnut Elementary/ Rock Springs High School, Rock Springs, WY

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