489Thursday, March 15, 2007

4:15 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:338
AAPAR/Safety and Risk Management Council
Not Only Is He Bigger Than Me, He's My Coach!
According to the American Sport Education Program, the National High School Federation and other professional organizations, one of the legal duties expected of coaches is to avoid putting participants in mismatch situations. Mismatches can occur in situations where one child is bigger, stronger, older, more skilled or more mature than another. But, just as importantly, mismatches also happen with adults playing or competing with children. Common examples will be discussed as well as an overview of many of the injuries and lawsuits that have occurred as a result of these mismatches. Recommendations for preventing mismatches will be provided.
Keyword(s): legal issues, safety/injury prevention, youth sports
Speaker: John Miller, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

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