425Thursday, March 15, 2007

12:30 PM-1:30 PMConvention Center:319-320
NASPE/Public Relations
Public Service Announcements and PE Advocacy: Materials for You to Use
We need the general public to understand the need for quality physical education for all children and to have a vision for what quality physical education looks like. Quality 30-second video spots for use in settings from television public service announcements (PSA) to PTA meetings will be presented. Suggestions of specific strategies for how to use these videos in your community and how to obtain them (free) will be provided. The PSAs include Physical Education: 1. Developing Options to be Active for a Lifetime; 2 A New Generation; 3. Make Time; 4. It's for EveryBODY; 5. More Important Than Ever.
Keyword(s): advocacy, marketing/public relations, physical education PK-12
Speakers: Dolly Lambdin, University of Texas-Austin, Austin, TX; Teresita Ramirez, Texas-Austin/University Of, Austin, TX; and Frances Rush, University of Texas at Austin, Bastrop, TX

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