398Thursday, March 15, 2007

10:15 AM-12:15 PMConvention Center:339-340
NASPE/College and University Physical Education Council
Personal Training: an Exciting Career Option
This NSCA-CC-sponsored presentation is designed for college/university faculty preparing students to become physical activity professionals. Within the fitness industry, personal training has been recognized as the fastest growing profession. As a result of weekend certification courses for non-degreed trainers as well as inadequately prepared university graduates, the personal training client is frequently at risk. The current escalation of litigation is a reflection of a serious industry problem regarding client expectations versus service delivery. This presentation will focus upon essential services and protective actions that allow trainers to provide safe and effective programming for their clients while insulating themselves against litigation.
Keyword(s): curriculum, legal issues, professional preparation
Speaker: Anthony A. Abbott, Fitness Institute International, Lighthouse Point, FL

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