690Friday, March 16, 2007

4:00 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:319-320
NASPE/Council for School Leadership in Physical Education
Capacity-Building for School and Community Leaders Seeking Grants
Physical educators, school and community-based organization administrators, and other leaders seeking to fund physical education, fitness, and wellness programs should attend this session. Participants will learn how to successfully apply for grants and develop a full grant-seeking strategy. Topics covered will include: assessing need, defining goals and objectives, producing an application work plan, and writing a strong narrative. Participants will also learn about the grant review process and actively engage in evaluating grant narratives to gain a clearer understanding of what makes a grant proposal strong and what goes through the minds of reviewers as they read and score applications.
Keyword(s): community-based programs, health education K-12, physical education PK-12
Speakers: Rosalie J. Mangino-Crandall and Jennifer Adams, Insight Grants Development, LLC, Rochester, NY

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