327Thursday, March 15, 2007

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:Ballroom I
NASPE/Motor Development Academy
Improving Skill Analysis and Observation
One unique job of individuals involved in the study of human movement is the ability to observe and analyze movement patterns or conduct skill analysis to improve motor skill performance. The ability to perform this job well requires instruction, practice, and a thorough knowledge of the mechanics of correct performance. Unfortunately, this skill often does not receive the attention it requires in some pedagogy programs. Therefore, this seminar will demonstrate how to complete a skill analysis, how to use it in the grading scheme, and how to use it to improve feedback.
Keyword(s): assessment, motor skills, professional preparation
Speakers: Ellen H. Martin, Columbus State University, Hamilton, GA; and Wendi Weimar, Auburn, AL, Auburn, AL

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