569Friday, March 16, 2007

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:308
NASPE/Sport and Exercise Psychology Academy
An Effective Approach to Working Effectively with Sport Parents
A paramount issue of concern for coaches is sport parents. Undoubtedly, some parents create serious problems such as the French tennis father that drugged his children’s’ opponents. Yet, parents play an important role of support. Therefore, how does a coach involve parents in an effective way without allowing them to go overboard and create problems? In this session, the issues surrounding parental involvement in sport will be explored, the reasons why parents sometimes lose perspective and act inappropriately will be presented, and principles for working effectively with parents will be offered based on research and practice.
Keyword(s): coaching, high school issues, youth sports
Speaker: Robert H. Benham, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

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