361Thursday, March 15, 2007

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:310
NASPE/Curriculum and Instruction Academy
Task Analysis Using “The WheelTM”: Participation Session
Movement education represents the core of physical education content. As introduced by Graham, Holt-Hale & Parker (2006), the use and understanding of The Wheel™ is to assist all physical educators in analyzing tasks according to the movement concepts, movement categories, and movement elements. This session is for all physical educators who want to learn how the hand-held analysis tool, called “The WheelTM”, is used to help make lessons intentional in design, with a specific focus on application of movement framework concepts. Participants will perform tasks/activities demonstrating application of movement concepts, movement categories, and movement elements in selected/analyzed skill themes.
Keyword(s): active participation, curriculum, physical education PK-12
Speaker: Jennifer M. Bridges, Saginaw Valley State Universit, University Center, MI

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