Scheduled for Research Consortium Poster Session: Thematic Motor Behavior and Special Populations Posters, Friday, March 16, 2007, 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area I

The Use of Sensory Information in Mental Retardation

R. Christopher Mason1, Michael Horvat1 and Ron V. Croce2, (1)University of Georgia, Athens, GA, (2)University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

A common problem associated with mental retardation is the use of sensory information to establish stability and movement patterns. Therefore the purpose of this study was to compare the balance performance and use of sensory information in individuals with mental retardation including Down syndrome. Seven individuals with mild mental retardation and six individuals with Down syndrome were assessed on the NeuroCom Equitest System. The Sensory Organization Test(SOT) was used to assess sensory organization in response to peturbations. During the SOT the participants were tested under six conditions consisting of three 20 Sec trial with their eyes open or closed. Depending on the conditions the floor(force plate) and walls (visual surround) moved at a fixed or variable rate requiring the participant to respond with their remaining sensory apparatus. Results from the SOT yielded a equilibrium composite score and equilibrium score for each condition. A one way ANOVA was used on all variables. Based on the data analysis significant differences were apparent on the composite equilibrium score (P< .05)as well as conditions 4,5,6. In this context individuals with Down syndrome are significantly lower in overall balance and the ability to use visual and vestibular information
Keyword(s): adapted physical activity, motor skills, research

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