Scheduled for Research Consortium Free Communication: Research for Teachers, Research about Teachers, Friday, March 16, 2007, 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM, Convention Center: 327

Physical Educators' Perceptions of Teaching in Urban Elementary Environments

Brian Culp, Indiana University Purdue University- Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN

Teaching is an ever-changing entity that requires constant evaluation in order to examine learning goals and meet the needs of a burgeoning and diverse student population in the United States. Reflection in all disciplines of teaching has been shown to aid in the preparation of teachers for a range of situations that they could encounter (Gore, 1987; Hellison & Templin 1991; Schon, 1983; Jung & Schempp, 2005). The perspective of urban physical education teachers in elementary education, and their ideas of what constitutes teaching is an area where literature is scarce. Allowing educators of this demographic to reflect upon their ideas of teaching serves as a method by which relevant and appropriate practices in physical education environments can be realized and also can negate stereotypes that are often associated with teaching and learning in urban education. The purpose of this study was to examine urban elementary school teachers (N=31) definitions of teaching as related to their personal perspectives and experiences in the classroom and identify information that can be used to impact instruction in physical education. Data from the teachers in this study came from open-ended questions that were part of a larger research study utilizing the I.M.P.A.C.T. questionnaire developed by Culp & Chepyator-Thomson (2005). The teachers were asked to respond to questions that asked them about (a) their idea of teaching (b) identification of elements that defined their idea of teaching and (c) strategies that they used to enhance their teaching. Review of the information from the questions given to the teachers in the study revealed several themes. First, data analyzed that pertained to participants describing their idea of teaching indicated emphasis on promoting healthy lifestyles, teaching physical skills for lifelong use, and imparting knowledge to students that go beyond the realm of physical education. Second, data analyzed that pertained to the identification of elements that defined their ideas of teaching placed importance on enthusiasm, consistency in teaching, and challenging students. Third, data that dealt with strategies that these teachers used to enhance their teaching placed emphasis on highlighting the importance of participation, teacher preparation, and consistent routines. Implications for the profession of physical education are that information from teachers in urban environments reinforces the importance of appropriate practices in the classroom, challenges misconceptions of students and teachers in these environments and adds to existing knowledge in this area of study.
Keyword(s): elementary issues, multiculturalism/cultural diversity, physical education PK-12

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