Scheduled for Dance Symposia: Part 1. Scholarship in Dance. Part 2. Choreography as Research, Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM, Convention Center: 327

National Dance Association Scholars: The Scholarship of Discovery, Teaching, Integration, and Application

Lynnette Y. Overby, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

The first NDA scholar was selected in 1977. The designation of Scholar was changed in 1995 to include “Artist” in the title. The first NDA Scholar/Artist was named in 1996. Beginning with Elizabeth Hayes in 1978, each of the selected Scholars/Scholar/Artists have made unique contributions to dance scholarship. Unlike other disciplines that focus only on the publication and presentation of original research, The 29 NDA scholars were honored due to their contributions to original research, choreography, teaching and mentoring programs, and significant outreach. The focus of this presentation will be to provide an in-depth analysis of four Scholars utilizing Boyer's (1990) categories for scholarship. Boyer, in his 1990 Scholarship Reconsidered discussed the need for colleges and universities to consider all four areas of scholarship: discovery, teaching, integration and application. In 1997, Glassick, Huber, and Maeroff, published Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate. In this book they provided guidelines for the evaluation of scholarship across the various dimensions of faculty life. The standards for assessment include a. setting clear goals, b. adequate preparation, c. analysis of the methods, d. significant results, e. effective presentation, and g. reflective techniques. The 29 selected scholars were required to prepare a 1 hour lecture and a publishable manuscript that was based on at least 10 years of scholarship. The scholarship of teaching (Stinson, 1994), The scholarship of discovery, (Brennan, 1985), the scholarship of integration (BrooksSchmitz, 2004 ) and the scholarship of application (Overby, 2000), are presented as salient examples that present the various ways a dance professor can demonstrate excellence in many forms of scholarship.
Keyword(s): dance, research

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