Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session II, Friday, March 16, 2007, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area II

Spiritual Attitudes and Behaviors of College Juniors at a Midwestern University

Richard E. Cavanaugh1, Barbara A. Walker1 and Julie Wood2, (1)Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, (2)Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX

The purpose of this research study was to assess the spiritual beliefs and practices of students with junior status at a midwestern university during the Fall 2005 semester (n=approximately 2000 students). The research questions included: 1)Which majors demonstrate the highest degree of spirituality (as defined by the researcher)?; 2) How has college life influenced spiritual attitudes?; and 3) How has college life influenced spiritual behaviors? The survey instrument used, the UCLA “College Students' Beliefs And Values Survey,” was developed by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA and piloted nationally in 2000 using 3,680 third-year students from 46 public and private universities across the United States. Results of the current study (n=232) were compared with the national sample. Spirituality was based on the following criteria: integrating spirituality into my life; we are all spiritual beings; people can reach higher consciousness through meditation/prayer; having interest in spirituality; believing in the sacredness of life; seeking opportunities to grow spiritually; and self-rated spirituality. The juniors who participated in the midwestern university spirituality study scored slightly higher in many aspects of spirituality compared to the UCLA study, however, there was no overall statistical difference between the two studies. Spirituality is an important and sometimes overlooked component in the overall well-being of the college student.

Keyword(s): college level issues, health education college/univ

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