Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session II, Friday, March 16, 2007, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area II

Positive Impacts Through Collaboration to Develop Healthy Living in Rural Overweight Children

Trevor W. Newby, Boise State University, Boise, ID

This poster will demonstrate the impact of public and private collaboration to develop healthy skills in rural overweight children. The display will focus on three activities; ActiveKids Club, lunchtime activities and parental involvement. ActiveKids Club is an after school program that strives to increase physical activity, nutrition, self-esteem, and life skills of participants. Half of the year, ActiveKids Club participants are taught these skills at their schools and at the local YMCA. Described in the poster will be the selection criteria for participation, activities completed, and data collected to date on the positive impact of this program. Lunchtime Activities is a daily program at elementary schools that provides all children the opportunity to participate in a walking/running club on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each school provides incentives for students who walk/run. This allows children to succeed at a “physical activity” and see the progress of their efforts. Children can engage in various activities and games on Tuesday and Thursday. One result of this program is a “Lunchtime Leaders Manual” that other schools can adapt and duplicate for their needs. Described will be the implementation of the program, incentives, and unintended positive impacts. The final component of this poster presentation is parental involvement. Families of children in ActiveKids Club must participate in monthly parent meetings to learn about the importance of nutrition and physical activity. Described will be the information and strategies to engage families in these education sessions. Participants will learn the impacts of this pilot program, future goals, and will leave with identified strategies to increase physical activity and nutrition levels in their community. Participants can also take a copy of the “Lunchtime Leaders Manual” at no charge.
Keyword(s): exercise/fitness/physical activity, nutrition, obesity issues

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