453Thursday, April 14, 2005

2:45 PM-4:00 PMConvention Center:N137
AAALF/College and University Administrators Council
Ebbs and Tides of Using Web Assistance in Teaching
In this two-part session, part one will explore how lecture and activity courses can be taught utilizing Blackboard. Blackboard allows online instructors to list assignments, provide tests and study guides, interact on discussions boards and more. Part two will explain possible scenarios that cause online course participants to express hostility while taking the college course. Similarities will be demonstrated as compared to common "Road Rage" behaviors seen during daily commutes. By comparing these behaviors, online instructors will learn to defuse hostile online participants and get them to complete their Distance Education journey without any additional fear of hostility or reprisal.
Keyword(s): college level issues, curriculum development, professional preparation
Teaching On-Line and Using Web Assistance to Teach Both Lecture and Activity Courses
Linda Ramsey, Tennessee-Martin/Univ Of, Martin, TN
Computer Rage: Road Rage on the SuperHighway in Distance Education
Andrew L. Shim, Indiana University Of Pa, Indiana, PA

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