669 | Friday, April 15, 2005 |
2:30 PM-3:45 PM | Convention Center:N227b |
NASPE/Sport Psychology Academy |
Exploring Effective Coaching Behaviors: From Research and Theory to Practice |
This symposium will focus on the role that coaches play in enhancing (or undermining) their athletes' motivation as well as the overall team climate. Specifically, the symposium presenters will review and summarize the research which has been conducted to examine how coaches' leadership style and feedback behaviors affect their athletes' perceptions of ability, their level of intrinsic motivation, and the team's performance and sense of cohesiveness and confidence. This research will then be used to identify recommendations that coaches can use to enhance the overall team climate and the psychosocial development of their athletes. |
Keyword(s): athletics/sports, coaching, research
Presider: Anthony J. Amorose, Illinois State University, Normal, IL |
Speakers: Jill Hollembeak, Illinois State University, Normal, IL; and Lindsay Ronayne and George Pappas, Miami University, Oxford, OH |