575Friday, April 15, 2005

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:E353b
Spirituality and Life Change is There a Relationship?
The session will address the results of our research examining the relationship between life change and spirituality in college-aged students. Three different life change survey instruments and two different spirituality instruments will be distributed. The advantages and disadvantages of each instrument will be discussed in relation to each instrument’s effectiveness and suitability for various populations. This session will be helpful for anyone attempting to add a spirituality component to her/his health classes or for those conducting research on spirituality.
Keyword(s): college level issues, curriculum development, health promotion
Presider: Stephanie D'Agostino, Linfield College, McMinnville, OR
Speakers: Dixie L. Dennis, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD; and Susan Muller, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD

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