The NASPE Beginning Teacher Standards (1995) provide a targeted direction for fostering qualified pre-service teachers. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an instrument that assesses pre-service physical education teachers’ perceived competency in achieving the NASPE beginning teacher standards. A careful study of the NASPE beginning teacher standards, a review of the literature on teacher effectiveness and competencies shaped and guided development of items on The Achieving the NASPE Standards Inventory (ANSI). A pilot study was conducted with 108 subjects who did not participated in the main study. The resultant pilot study yielded three factors that supported the theoretical constructs of the inventory. The items were revised numerous times based on four pedagogical experts’ judgment, suggestions, and critiques. Finally, the ANSI consists of two parts: demographic information and 45 items rated on a five-point rating scale. 173 PETE pre-service teachers (76 male and 97 female) from 10 PETE programs at 10 state universities across the nation were voluntarily and anonymously completed the ANSI. Their teacher educators mailed the completed copies back to the investigator. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficients were used to analyze the internal consistency reliability of the ANSI. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using LISREL window version 8.54 to examine the construct validity of a three factor-solution extracted from exploratory factor analysis. The results showed the alpha reliability coefficient of 0.93, 0.82, 0.89, and 0.88 for the total scale and the three sub-scales, respectively, indicating high internal consistency of the inventory. Further, 11 items with a factor loading below 0.40 were eliminated from the ANSI based on the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. To test how adequately the hypothesized three-factor model fitted the sample data, the confirmatory factor analysis was performed on the 34-observed items of the ANSI. The goodness-of-fit indices for the model were: NNFI= .91, CFI=0.92, IFI=0.93, exceeding the criteria of .90. The “fare” indices were RMR=0.05, IMSEA=0.05, meeting the criteria of 0.05. The results indicated that the model adequately fitted the sample data. The standardized maximum-likelihood factor loadings of 33 items were above 0.50 considering as an indicator of acceptable fit item, except for one item of 0.49. The results indicated that the items clearly defined the three constructs of the ANSI. This study suggests that the ANSI is a theoretically sound and psychometrically supported measure that can be used to assess pre-service teachers’ perceived competency in achieving the standards.Keyword(s): assessment, measurement/evaluation, standards and ethics