The last 5 years have seen a surge in research using pedometers to monitor physical activity levels. Pedometers are a cost effective ($20-$40), convenient, valid and reliable way to monitor physical activity. Extensive research has been conducted to determine the validity and reliability of pedometers for epidemiological studies. While there are some limitations to using pedometers to measure physical activity levels (i.e., inability to measure intensity, frequency, and duration), pedometers do provide a useful way to determine volume of activity and provide meaningful information about physical activity patterns. Recent studies have identified unique methodological considerations when using pedometers among youth and adult populations including reactivity and monitoring frame. This portion of the symposia will briefly review the literature related to the reliability, validity, and limitations of pedometers in monitoring physical activity and present the current methodological approaches to gathering pedometer data for the purpose of research. This information will help researchers determine whether pedometers are an appropriate tool to answer their research questions and, if so, will provide researchers with techniques for gathering pedometer data. Keyword(s): measurement/evaluation, physical activity, research