This paper discusses (1) the major challenges within higher education today to understand and institute effective assessment process, (2) the application of continuous quality measurement protocols as a means of addressing these challenges, and (3) A technology-based continuous quality measurement system that has been developed and implemented at the University of Louisville by Deyta Inc., a company specializing in Quality Improvement Measurement Systems.
While attempting to manage constantly changing technologies and increasing cost of delivering quality education, the Higher Ed industry is facing common challenges in its attempt:
• To understand user expectations and demands • To properly respond to national, local accrediting bodies and senior academic management’s quest for “accountability” and • To effectively assess quality of educational process delivered, using direct and indirect means
A Clear focus on the above issues being demanded to understand and validate overall institution mission, vision as well as strategic directions undertaken by university leadership, administrators and faculty.
In this paper the authors discuss with empirical data:
• The implementation and use of continuous quality measurement process within specific higher education domains • Strategic directions and “drivers of user satisfaction” for students and other constituents of the university • A clear separation between direct and indirect measurement process and indicators to predict educational successes and outcome • “Lesson learned” and potential impact of these type of results on strategic academic planning initiatives
The presenter will briefly demonstrate a technological model “under construction” to collect, measure and distribute actionable data to academic management – not only to fulfill accreditation compliances, but to institute organizational effectiveness.