Scheduled for RCB Poster Session I, Thursday, April 14, 2005, 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area II

Every Student and Every Step Counts

Lydia J. Burak and Darlene S. O'Neill, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA

This presentation addresses both a research technique as well as a study. It is a professional presentation and a student presentation. The technique addresses how to involve an entire undergraduate class in a research project. The study itself is a simple study whose purpose was to determine if using a simple sign intervention would increase the number of individuals on a college campus using stairs rather than elevators. Each individual in a health promotion strategies class was required to participate in the research study, and each had a specific assignment to complete. Most of the assignments required working in groups; some students, however, worked alone. The presentation will briefly cover the issues that arose during the design and implementation of the study including leadership, communication, and assessment. The presentation will also address the study itself. The hypothesis was that placing signs next to elevators in selected campus locations would discourage individuals from using the elevators and encourage them to use the stairs instead. The design of this observational research study was a basic pre-test post-test, where data were collected before the placement of the signs, and then at three time periods after the signs were posted, and once after the signs were removed. Results indicated a significant increase in stair use while the signs were in place, with a greater increase among females than among males. When the signs were removed, stair use decreased and elevator use increased. This study shows that a very inexpensive and very simple intervention can lead to small changes in individual behaviors. And small changes can indeed lead to big results. When seeking to improve health, every step counts!

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