Scheduled for RCB Poster Session I, Thursday, April 14, 2005, 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area II

Asthma Prevalence and Management in Jackson County Schools

Michael Stroud1, Janet M. Followell2, Janet M. Followell2 and Kimberly J. Sanders3, (1)Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carterville, IL, (2)Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Murphysboro, IL, (3)Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL

Jackson County Health Department (JCHD) proposed a research project for Dr. Mark Kittleson's Health Education Evaluation Class in spring 2004. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence and management of asthma among children in Jackson County schools.

Two research questions to be answered by the survey instrument are: 1) What is the prevalence of asthma among school age children in Jackson County? 2.) What services, assistance, and resources are needed by the schools in order to serve children with asthma?

The survey instrument was pilot-tested in two separate school districts in the southern Illinois region outside of Jackson County. The sample of participating schools (n = 15) had a total enrollment of 5,542 students. Of that total enrollment, 556 students were reported to have asthma.

Survey results are to be utilized for future program planning by JCHD in regards to asthma among school-age children. The study served as a needs assessment, which utilized quantitative descriptive and qualitative research design

Data described current services, polices, and other various asthma related issues. Conclusions and recommendations were made based on data collected.

Conclusions are as follows: 1)) Asthma training of parents, students, and staff, 2) Majority of schools currently lack full time nurse, 3) Concerns expressed regarding air quality and cleanliness, and 4) Small percentage of staff trained in CPR

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