The purpose of this study is to evaluate patient knowledge, attitude, and behavior in regard to health educastion in the primary care setting. By evaluating the patients knowledge of health education will help to understand and identify barriers to compliance of patients in the utilization of health education services. Assessing patient attitude is an additional method in identifying utilization and compliance as well. Finding behavior patterns among patients will help to identify current patterns of patient compliance and use of health education services in primary care. With rising health care costs, preventive medicine has become the focus of insurance companies. It has taken years for physicians to begin to see the benefit of practicing preventive medicine rather than acute care. With this current trend, physicians are often the ones providing the hea3lth education to the pateints. Physicians are not trained to provide health educastion,rather they are trained to diagnose and treat illness and disease. The methods and materials that physicians use to educate their patients are often inadequate and ineffective.