Scheduled for Pedagogy Symposium—High School PE Program Assessment: Two Years of Student Data, Tuesday, March 30, 2004, 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM, Convention Center: 208

High School Student Performance on Cognitive Tests of Fitness

Susan J. Stewart, Duke University, Durham, NC and Judith Rink, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

Lack of physical activity has been identified as a primary cause of many chronic and life threatening health problems. Knowledge of how to develop and maintain fitness (a training approach to fitness) as well as knowledge related to how to maintain a physically active lifestyle (an activity approach to fitness) have been identified as critical factors in an educational program having as its goal the development of a physically active lifestyle. This South Carolina performance indicator says that students should be able to design and develop a personal health related fitness program. It is assessed with a paper and pencil test basically giving students a case study with fitness scores and asking them to design a nine week program to improve at least one of the fitness components in the case study that need improvement. It is largely a constructed response assessment strategy that is available in three forms of the test to the teacher. Teachers score the student tests and submit the student tests and the teacher scores. A monitoring committee of teacher peers checks the accuracy of teacher scoring. Data will be presented from 112 schools over two years of data collection. In the first year of data collection 57% of the students were competent in this indicator, which was the highest level of competence of all of the indicators. In the second year of data collection the state mean dropped to 54%. Measures of variability were high for both years (SD= 30.35 and 30.38). Some teachers in both years were able to reach 100% competence with students in their classes and for some classes no students were competent. The results will be discussed in terms of the appropriateness of the indicator and the measure of the indicator and differences between classes, schools and data collection years over the database. Issues related to what knowledge is of most worth to students if the goal is to develop physically active youth and adults will be presented as well as issues related to how best teach and measure student knowledge.
Keyword(s): high school issues, measurement/evaluation

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