Stony Brook University is the only state university on Long Island that offers the NYS Coaching Certification. As such, the demand for this class is high and many students travel significant distances to reach campus. Most students are full time educators who must negotiate work, school, coaching, and commuting demands, making it nearly impossible to complete both the seminar and practicum aspects of the course, Athletic Coaching Accreditation Practicum/Field Study. As a way to accommodate more students and to create an educational model that would allow for multiple sections, we conducted a pilot online class. This case study looked to determine whether teaching the seminar portion of this accreditation course online could effectively meet pedagogical goals previously set forth as objectives for a traditional seminar format, thus eliminating the commute time for busy returning students.
In order to measure the effectiveness of the course, a series of assignments including short on-line, timed quizzes, one page reaction papers and participation in the on-line discussion were used. Quantitative measures resulted from the graded quizzes while a more qualitative approach was used in evaluating the reaction papers and on-line postings. The method by which the Practical Application dimension was evaluated was a four step process. The final portfolio was graded based on pre-determined course requirements and a numerical grade was assigned for the course. The supervisor of the practicum participant a weekly evaluation report, which included feedback on each of the coaching dimensions. A final reaction essay to the practical experience portion of the course was completed by the student and finally, a formal evaluation of the course was completed by the participant.
An overall score for each participant was determined and compared to their overall evaluation score for the course. The results supported the hypothesis that students enjoyed the flexibility in scheduling that an online class allowed them. Individuals, who participated more frequently in on-line discussions, demonstrated higher scores on their final portfolio.
Emerging technologies offer more educational possibilities for delivering classes in an ever-changing educational climate. In the above case study, the physical education department collaborated with the electronic extension program so as to accommodate students and to delve into the possibilities offered by educational technology and online learning.