Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session II, Thursday, April 1, 2004, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Session

Who are you having Sex with? Sexual Behavior among Students and Athletes

Robert Lindsey, Lindsay Baber, Melissa Galinato and Brian Rhodes, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC

Poor decision making in regards to sexual behavior is on an up rise throughout many college campuses. The purpose of this study was to compare sexual behaviors and attitudes of college students, physical education majors, and athletes. Sexual attitudes and behavior was measured through a modified survey of the YRBS, Dartmouth College Student Risk Behavior Survey, and the Fourth Annual Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Behavior. Students from a large southeastern university were selected for the study. Physical education majors indicated that they were likely to not disclose that they were HIV-positive to their partner if they knew they contracted the disease. Athletes were more likely to not disclose that they had an STD to their partner if they had tested positive for any disease. As the classification moved from freshman to senior, students become less responsible and not as worried when it came to contracting any Sexually transmitted disease or the HIV virus. Results indicate that there are some serious concerns when it comes to sexual behaviors and attitudes among college students. Students at this college as well as others throughout the United States need to be aware of their own behavior, and be more responsible in their actions.

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