There is a growing concern about the health and fitness status of American youth. Schools are been identified in Healthy People 2010 as change agents and have been promoted as places to offer visions for the future of our society. The Hispanic population is on an increase and not much information is readily available concerning this under researched population. As a result, the purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between aerobic capacity, body mass index (BMI), and steps taken during physical education class among fourth grade Hispanic students. The study was approved by the University Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects. Each participant and guardian signed an informed consent prior to data collection. On day one, all 60 participants (30 males and 30 females) completed an exercise session that consisted of the 20-m PACER shuttle test. On days two and three, participants wore a New Lifestyles NL-2000 pedometer during two 30-minute physical education classes where their steps were recorded. On the fourth day, age, height, weight, percent fat, and sum of skinfolds were measured. Physical characteristics of the male and female Hispanic participants were (mean±sd): age(yrs)9.0±0.3, 9.0±0.6; height(cm)= 140.3±6.5, 144.8±5.6; weight(kg)= 39.2±11.0, 44.3±11.8; BMI= 19.9±4.7, 21.2±4.8; percent fat= 20.4±6.2, 24.4±9.1; sum of skinfolds (mm)= 29.1±11.6, 38.8±11.3; steps/class= 1443±148.3, 1210.6±140.3; VO2max(ml/min)= 1457.6±148.3, 1306.2±256.0; VO2max ( 38.3±7.0, 30.2±5.2, respectively. Each participant's 20-m shuttle test performance, along with their gender, sum of skinfolds and body weight were entered into a previously published multiple regression model to determine VO2max. Regression analysis revealed that steps (p=.001) and BMI (p=.002) were statistically significant predictors of VO2max. Based upon these results, the following final regression model was derived: VO2max ( (steps*0.026)+(BMI*-0.418)+8.275. The final regression model was accurate (SEE 4.3; R=.815). The final phase of the analysis was to determine if the regression model could be used for males and females. Homogeneity of regression slope and intercept revealed a common slope and intercept (p>.05) for boys and girls in the final regression model. In conclusion, results revealed that total steps taken in physical education class and body mass index were statistically significant predictors of aerobic capacity in fourth grade Hispanic youth. Further studies are needed to gain an understanding of other variables that influence the fitness levels of Hispanic youth. Keyword(s): exercise/fitness, physical activity