Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session II, Thursday, April 1, 2004, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Session

Using a Coordinated School Health Program Framework to Create a Multi-Disciplinary Summer Institute for Health Education

Sunny Kaste, Wyoming Department of Education, Cheyenne, WY, Scott D. Winnail, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, Bronwen Anderson, Wyoming Community Coalition for Health Education, Gillette, WY, Judy Barb, Western Dairy Council, Casper, WY and Brenda Caiola, Wyoming Food Service Association, Sheridan, WY

BACKGROUND: In era of increased demand for collaboration, but where there is continued categorical funding for health education and public health initiatives, it is difficult to facilitate multi-disciplinary collaboration for school health efforts. Traditionally, at least three of the groups described below groups have conducted separate training events throughout the year. PURPOSE: This presentation will highlight how the Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP) Model was successfully used as a framework to bring several diverse groups together for a conference aimed at improving the health of school aged youth. METHODS: In order to increase attendance for trainings and impact several groups dedicated to improving the health of school aged youth, a joint summer institute planning committee was created that involved representatives from numerous agencies, organizations and groups. The CSHP model was seen as a viable framework that could support the agendas of all groups involved. Additionally this model was used to help identify groups that could be involved in this multi-disciplinary planning. RESULTS: The summer institute entitled APutting the Pieces Together: School-Community Partnerships for Health and Education@ combined several previously separate conferences: 1) An annual Summer Institute for School Health Education, 2) An annual state school food service workshop, 3) a School Nurse workshop, and 4) A semi-annual meeting for state incentive grant community recipients focused on improving the health of school aged youth through community partnerships. Planning committee members included representation from the state Departments of Health and Education, the state university, the Western Dairy Council, the state Community Coalition for Health Education, 21st Century SIG state coordinators, state tobacco prevention and control program personnel,and local school district personnel (teachers, nurses, child nutrition program personnel). Approximately 250 participants from across the state attended this summer institute in a geographically central location. Conference sessions focused on the coordinate school health program model, the healthBlearning connection, successfully working with school administrators, and tools to improve the health of school aged youth. CONCLUSIONS: The CSHP model can be used an effective framework for inclusion of state and community partners in collaboratively planning a multi-disciplinary health education-related summer institute. Creating a strong multi-disciplinary planning committee is at the root of the success of such an endeavor.


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