Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session II, Thursday, April 1, 2004, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Session

An Informal Study of the Lifestyle Behaviors or Rural and Urban Elderly Citizens as Related to Diet/Food Choices

Michael R. Davey, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL and Wendy R. Nawoichyk, Western Illinois Univesity, Macomb, IL

The purpose of this study was to investigate lifestyle behaviors of elderly rural and urban citizens, age 65 plus, as related to diet/food choices. Elderly subjects residing in rural, west-central Illinois and Kansas City, MO were asked, via questionnaire, the following modified questions taken from the CDC's YRBSS: Yesterday, did you eat fruit?; Yesterday, did you drink fruit juice?; Yesterday, did you eat a green salad?; Yesterday, did you eat cooked vegetables?; Yesterday, did you eat beef, pork, or hot dogs?; Yesterday, did you eat french fries or potato chips?; and, Yesterday, did you eat cookies, doughnuts, pie or cake? When the diet choices were analyzed, urban males tended to consume more juice, salads, fries, and cookies. Rural males tended to consume more beef and pork. Rural females tended to consume more juice, beef and pork, fries and cookies. Urban females tended to consume more salads. When diet choices were analyzed by gender, males tended to consume more fruit, juice, salads, vegetables, beef and pork, and fries. Data were compared to national studies.

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