Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session II, Thursday, April 1, 2004, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Session

An Informal Study of the Lifestyle Behaviors of Rural and Urban Elderly Citizens as Related to Alcohol Consumption, Tobacco Use, and Living With or Without a Partner

Wendy R. Nawoichyk, Western Illinois Univesity, Macomb, IL and Michael R. Davey, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL

The purpose of this study was to investigate lifestyle behaviors of elderly rural and urban citizens, age 65 plus, as related to alcohol consumption, smoking, and residing with or without a partner. A graduate student enrolled in a Drug Education class contacted elderly subjects residing in rural, west-central Illinois and Kansas City, MO and, via questionnaire, asked the following questions: What is your weekly alcohol intake?; Do you smoke?; and, Do you live alone? Analysis of data tended to indicate that rural male and female subjects consumed fewer drinks of alcohol per week than thier urban counterparts. Male urban residents tended to smoke significantly more than rural males whereas both rural and urban females indicated not smoking at all. More urban male and female subjects reported living alone than rural male and female subjects. Results were compared to national studies.

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