Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session I, Wednesday, March 31, 2004, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Session

College Students' Use of the Internet for Health Related Purposes: An Exploratory Study

Miguel Perez, California State University at Fresno, Fresno, CA and Nsele M Nsuangani, California State University, Fresno, Fresno, CA

The purpose of the study was to explore college students’ online activities at health Web sites, their perceptions of the quality and accuracy of Internet medical information, and their concerns about Internet privacy and security. The research took place at a medium sized university in Central California during the Fall 2002 semester. The sample consisted of 136 students. Findings from the study indicate that 67% of the sampled students had sought health information on the Internet; 12% had used Internet medical consultations services; seven percent had bought pharmaceutical products online; two percent had joined Internet health support groups; seven percent had used e-mail to communicate with healthcare providers; 35% expressed serious concern about the accuracy of health information posted on the Web; and 53% were concerned about the privacy and security of personal information posted on the Web. Findings from this study suggest a need to better educate students on retrieving health-related web based information.

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