Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session I, Wednesday, March 31, 2004, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Session

A study of self-defense education in nationwide universities

Gong Chen, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA and Rui Zhang, Beijing University, Beijing, China

Research on university self-defense education

Gong Chen, Ed.D., Professor San Jose State University

This presentation will provide a comprehensive view of recent research on university self-defense education based on the first hand serial research by the presenter. The contents of the presentation include several aspects. 1. Contents taught in teaching self-defense classes. 2. Percentages of students who took formal self-defense classes and their mental knowledge and physical skill levels. 3. Subjects (contents) considered useful and practical enhancing student learning in mental and physical skills through lab research and a comprehensive university self-defense curriculum model. 3. Self-defense education in 15 different martial arts on what is taught in each martial art. 4. Contents analysis and existing self-defense books and videos. 5. The effectiveness of physical skills in lab research: 1) Chances of injuries when fighting back at gunpoint, 2) Chances of injuries when fighting back at knifepoint using different techniques, 3) Chances of getting out of different holds: hair-pulls, arm-holds, chokes, and bear-hugs.

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