330Thursday, April 3, 2003

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:201B
NASPE/Sport Psychology Academy
Optimal Performance Planning: The Quest for Athletic Excellence
Consistency for optimal performance is a common challenge set by aspiring athletes. However, worthwhile performance standards in sustaining the stamina day-in and day-out can make such challenges difficult to achieve. As athletes continue to seek ways to strengthen performance, various options can multiply out of performance routines, nutritional use, and training strategies. For this purpose, two sport psychology consultants will present important program information on the development of customized productive performance plans that will support one’s quest of optimizing creativity and work for achieving athletic excellence.
Keyword(s): athletics/sports, performance, technique
Speakers: John Paul Muczko, Wesley College, Dover, DE; and Kevin Sverduk, California State University, Long Beach, Long Beach, CA

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