Scheduled for Measurement Symposium - Multilevel Research: Issues, Design and Data Analysis, Thursday, April 3, 2003, 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM, Convention Center: 201A

School-Level Tracking Within the Online Fitnessgram Database

Gregory J. Welk, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

The latest version of the Fitnessgram software (version 7.0) is designed for use on the Internet. The software provides separate (and protected) login access for students, teachers and district administrators so that only certain individuals have access to the information in the database. Teachers and/or administrators will also have the option of having their data included in analyses conducted by the Fitnessgram research staff. These analyses will be conducted to track state and national trends in physical education as well as monitor current trends in physical activity and physical fitness. The presentation will describe the design elements that are used in the Web interface to allow for systematic tracking of information while ensuring the confidentiality of the teachers and students. The hierarchical analyses that will be conducted with the data will also be discussed.

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