Scheduled for Pedagogy III Free Communications: Curriculum and Instructional Development, Friday, April 4, 2003, 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM, Convention Center: 304

Teacher Testing in Texas

Chet Martin and Wendell C. Sadler, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX

First time test takers pass rates on the Examination for Certification of Educators in Texas (ExCET) are used by State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) to determine accredited teacher preparation programs. A challenge for faculty in teacher preparation programs is to identify trends that may exist with respect to success on the ExCET or any similar teacher certification test. The purpose of this study was to identify trends in the pass rates from universities and colleges in the State of Texas regarding first time test takers on the ExCET from 1987 to 2000. The investigators identified trends based on data received from an aggregate report obtained from SBEC based on all teacher preparation programs in Texas and survey results collected from certification officers in public universities and colleges. Frequencies and mean percentages of successful first time test takers for each year and discipline were reported to identify any trends that existed from 1987 to 2000. The descriptive data were collected from questionnaires sent to the public university certification officers in Texas. Trends and information were identified from public universities and colleges in the Texas concerning requirements for admission to teacher education programs, preparation procedures for (ExCET), interventions for the ExCET, and a particularly close scrutiny of physical education, health, and dance in these areas. Results of the study revealed that most test takers were in Physical Education Secondary, followed by Physical Education All Level, Health Education, and lastly, Dance Education. Health Education had the highest pass rate percentage for first time test takers (94%), followed by Dance Education (85%), Physical Education Secondary (82%), and Physical Education All Level (79%). All the programs responding used GPA as a requirement and 28 of 29 universities used Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP) scores. Most respondents reported the use of ExCET pretests (25 of 29) as preparation and barcode requirements before the ExCET. The trends suggest that sufficient interventions or test preparation in our programs may not have been incorporated to achieve consistently higher pass rates; however, ExCET first time test taker rates in Physical Education Secondary, Physical Education All Level, and Dance increased in the last 2 years after regressing from 1987. It appears colleges and universities with teacher preparation programs in Texas are making a concerted effort to provide public schools of Texas with the best possible health, physical education, and dance educators.

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