Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session I, Wednesday, April 2, 2003, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall A

Developing, Implementing, and Maintaining an Undergraduate Online Health Strategies Course

Barbara Lorraine Michiels Hernandez and George Strickland, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX

Developing, Implementing, and Maintaining an Undergraduate Online Health Strategies Course

Modern Web Based learning provides the means for changing the way that instruction is delivered to community health and health education majors at universities. The purpose of the study was to develop and implement a model for an online health education strategies class for undergraduate university students. The course was planned for male and female students in their junior or senior university year, majoring in health, kinesiology, elementary, or secondary education. A needs assessment indicated that students were amenable to an Internet based class. A survey of online and traditional courses at similar universities was conducted to determine a model format and syllabus. “The Responsibilities and Competencies for Entry-Level Health Educators” guided the course objectives. The course focused on health strategies, but also included a review of the planning, development, implementation, resources, and evaluation needed for community and public school health programs. The class promoted knowledge, awareness, and accessibility for health issues, content, materials, and resources through enhanced online search and retrieval skills necessary for developing theoretical based strategies. The results indicated that: students reacted positively to the course; students enhanced their online skills; however, the instructor did not anticipate the maintenance, technical problems, and time requirements for the course.

Learner Objectives: 1. List the steps necessary to develop and implement a model for an online health strategies class for undergraduate students 2. Identify the techniques for recognizing reputable online health resources and links for an upper level undergraduate online health class 3. Recognize major issues for online education

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