Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session I, Wednesday, April 2, 2003, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall A

Menopausal Health: Research Based Recommendations for Health Education and Service Delivery for Women from Maine

Srijana M. Bajracharya, University of Maine at Presque Isle, Presque Isle, ME

National studies as well as a pilot study conducted in Maine have indicated that the majority of women lack a thorough knowledge about menopausal issues, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and their direct and indirect effects on women's health. The purpose of this study was to get data from the State of Maine on these issues and recommend immediate education and service delivery strategies. A targeted-age sample of 360 women (45-74 year-old) from Maine was telephone interviewed using randomly selected telephone numbers. About 61% of women were between 45-55 years old and the rest were over 56. Seventy four percent were married, 94% Caucasian, and about 36% had a college degree. A 68-item survey was administered in the telephone interview. The majority of women knew the general information about menopause and HRT. However, fewer women had an in-depth knowledge about them. A big portion of women answered incorrectly on questions about the relationship between menopause and the incidence of heart disease (41%), urinary incontinence (49%), vaginal conditions (40%), and vaginal infections (90%). About 40% were taking HRT at the time of survey. Although most women knew about HRT they had limited knowledge about its specific benefits and risks. The majority of women preferred learning through reading, health providers, and friends rather than a formal class, workshop, or the Internet. Based on these findings, a series of recommendations for education programs and service delivery will be presented.

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