795Saturday, April 13, 2002

10:15 AM-11:30 AMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 7B
NASPE/Middle and Secondary School Physical Education Council
Creating and Linking Culminating and Formative Assessments for Middle & Secondary Physical Education
The focus of this presentation is on strategies for creating, implementing, and evaluating culminating or summative assessments that are directly linked to goals and standards and are authentic, challenging, motivating, and engaging to middle & secondary students. Strategies for creating and implementing appropriate, progressive, formative assessments throughout the unit to prepare students to successfully complete the culminating experience will also be provided. A variety of sample assessments will be provided for the participants.
Keyword(s): assessment, high school issues, middle school issues
Speakers: Mary F. Kirk, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY, KY; and Jacalyn L. Lund, Ball State University, Muncie, IN

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