702Friday, April 12, 2002

4:00 PM-5:15 PMSan Diego Convention Center:Ballroom 6D/E
NASPE/Council of Physical Education for Children
COPEC Day: Go for the Gold-An Educational Gymnastics Program for the Elementary Physical Education Teacher
This presentation will enable elementary school physical education teachers to safely incorporate gymnastics into their physical education program. The teachers will learn several instructional strategies that teach the skill themes of balance, flight and rolls. They will learn to develop a balance web on their gymnasium floor, participate on creative and developmental equipment that provides educational gymnastic experiences for balance, flight, and rolls, and learn to create an educational gymnastic routine. Finally, they will take away several authentic assessment procedures used in educational gymnastic lessons.
Keyword(s): assessment, creative movement, elementary education
Speaker: Carolyn Masterson, Montclair State University, Old Tappan, NJ

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