678Friday, April 12, 2002

2:30 PM-3:45 PMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 17B
Raising Program Status in your Community
Once a traditional program with traditional support, Okemos now possesses one of Michigan's premier physical education programs. The community rates it as the most important subject to preserve in times of budget cuts, the school board eliminated the physical education waiver on their own initiative, and the district invested over $40,000 to pilot the use of technology exclusively in physical education. This rise in status resulted from a systematic plan to improve their product and create advocacy across stakeholder groups. This presentation will describe what they did to facilitate change, what they learned in the process, and their future plans.
Keyword(s): advocacy, curriculum development, professional development
Speakers: Ray Allen, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; and Jill Kingdon and Robert Cooley, Okemos Public Schools, Okemos, MI

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