373Thursday, April 11, 2002

8:45 AM-10:00 AMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 16A
AAHE/School K-12
Personal and Social Skills: The Missing Link in Health Education
This session will focus on nine lessons which both develop personal social skills and recognize social influences on behavior. The lessons are relevant for the upper elementary through the high school grades. While not a curriculum they are available to fill a void that exists in many health curricula which center more heavily on information. An overview of these skill-based lessons and the support materials designed to help students learn the skills will be provided. Findings from a two-year experimental design study on the impact of these skills on student health behavior will be shared.
Keyword(s): curriculum development, health promotion, research
Presider: Stephanie Swan, Maine Department of Education, Augusta, ME
Speaker: Gus T. Dalis, Los Angeles County Office of Education, Torrance, CA

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