495Thursday, April 11, 2002

2:45 PM-4:00 PMSan Diego Convention Center:Ballroom 6B
NASPE/Council of Physical Education for Children
Physical Essentials: Healthy Children Under Construction
PHYSICAL ESSENTIALS is a K-5 physical education curriculum written in three developmental levels. This year-long curriculum includes a 30-minute lesson plan for each day at each developmental level. Also unique to this national standard based program is its use of age appropriate materials. Some of these include the Physical Education Coloring Book; the Oops and Daisy self-assessment program; classroom teaching characters such as General Space and Inspector Respect; and health education mini-lessons. This session will provide participants with unique hands-on activities that will assist them in teaching basic skills, integrating physical activity into content areas, and assessing student learning.
Keyword(s): curriculum development, elementary education, physical activity
Speaker: Joella Mehrhof, , Emporia, KS

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