679Friday, April 12, 2002

2:30 PM-3:45 PMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 8
NASPE/Sport Psychology Academy
The Interface Between Sport Psychology and Physical Education Pedagogy: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Research and Practice
This symposium will highlight interrelationships between sport psychology and physical education pedagogy. A specific purpose will be upon identifying common psychological issues faced by coaches and teachers in relation to motivation, motivational climate, feedback, and social development. Although physical educators and coaches face many common issues, the knowledge bases in pedagogy and sport psychology have traveled divergent paths. Thus, a primary purpose of this session will be to identify relevant theory and research that may not be familiar to individuals in the other area of study in order to facilitate a greater integration between physical education pedagogy and sport psychology.
Keyword(s): coaching, professional preparation, research
Presider: Jim Stiehl, Univ Of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO
Contributors to intrinsic and extinsic motivation in physical activity contexts
Robert Brustad, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO
Social-developmental outcomes in physical education and sport
Melissa Parker, Northern Colorado/Univ Of, Greeley, CO
Importance of feedback on the emotional and motivational climate of the gym
Mary Jo Sariscsany, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO
Creating a mastery climate in physical education and sport
Christina Sinclair, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO

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