550Friday, April 12, 2002

7:30 AM-8:30 AMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 2
Not for Women Only! Self Exams Are Critical for Men as Well
Men, in general, seem to have limited concern about their personal health care. Participants will understand the most prevalent health concerns facing men today, learn the importance of and method for implementing a plan of self detection and hear specifically about testicular cancer from a testicular cancer survivor. Development of a program designed to improve men's health behaviors will be discussed as well as suggestions on implementing cancer education in the classroom.
Keyword(s): health promotion, medical/medical care, wellness/disease prevention
Presider: Marilyn Reynolds, Montlieu Elementary School, High Point, NC
Speakers: Royal E. Wohl, Washburn University, Topeka, KS; and Joseph Quatrochi, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, CO

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