368Thursday, April 11, 2002

8:45 AM-10:00 AMMarriott Hotel & Marina:Point Loma
AAALF/Aquatic Council
Anxiety and the Non-Swimmer
Water anxiety can impede a non-swimmer’s quest for safety, comfort, and enjoyment in the water. By understanding the origins of anxiety and developing innovative instructional techniques, swimming instructors can be instrumental in assisting individuals in minimizing their anxieties. The purpose of this session is to: 1) present existing literature and preliminary results from a pilot case study on water anxiety and the adult non-swimmer, 2) suggest guidelines teachers can incorporate into their lessons to assist the anxious non-swimmer, and 3) have attendees discuss and present their own instructional techniques that have proven to be successful when working with anxious individuals.
Keyword(s): aquatics, research
Speaker: Belinda E. Stillwell, California State University, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA

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