691Friday, April 12, 2002

4:00 PM-5:15 PMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 16B
AAALF/Council on Facilities and Equipment
Climbing Facilities - From Mole Hills to Mountains
Climbing activities offer an oppoortunity for individuals and groups to deveop muscular strength and endurance, self confidence, teamwork, trust and agility while participating a challenging and enjoyable activity. Many schools, colleges, fitness centers, and climbing centers have climbing facilities. This presentation will focus on the wide variety of homemade and commercial climbing facilities available. Climbing facilities from low bouldering walls to adventure climbing elements to profesionally designed and constructed climbing walls will be discussed. Issues such as construction standards, risk management, program applications, and special design features will be explored. The presentation will be supplimented with a comprehensive slide presentation of climbing facilities and equipment.
Keyword(s): facilities/equipment, high school issues, outdoor ed/recreation
Speakers: Thomas F. Horne and Edmund O. Crossley, United States Military Academy, New Windsor, NY

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