766Saturday, April 13, 2002

8:45 AM-10:00 AMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 4
Flight of the Phoenix Bird--Out of the Ashes-Surviving Violent Times
Sadly we live in what is becoming a more increasingly violent world. We, as a Nation, have been saddened by the increased occurrences of violent acts within our schools and within our other everyday places of living and work. The Columbine High School tragedies, the Santana High School tragedies, the September 11th attacks and daily incidents of interpersonal violence are recent examples.

As violence is appearing to become more and more acceptable in our society, we, as educators, are called upon to find educational interventions to address issues of violence and to provide alternatives to violence.

We can teach change to shape a more healthy and peaceful world. In part, perhaps a solution to this is to provide an education to and for our Nation that supports learning alternatives to violence.

This session will be presented by four individuals, two of whom are survivors of the Columbine High School incidence. All four of the presenters have committed to speaking out about the need for educational interventions related to addressing violence and promoting a world more in line with the principles of human dignity and respect.

Keyword(s): violence/prevention
Speakers: Laura de Ghetaldi and Kimberly Lorenz, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO; Patricia I. Hogan, Northern Michigan Univ, Marquette, MI; and Kami Held, Colorado State University-Fort Collins, Fort Collins, CO


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