485Thursday, April 11, 2002

2:45 PM-4:00 PMSan Diego Convention Center:Ballroom 6A
AAHPERD, Southwest District AAHPERD, and CAHPERD General Session: The New Special Olympics: Led by Athletes; Dedicated to Changing the World
Tim Shriver will focus on the core mission of Special Olympics and the ways in which the movement is critical to the issues educators are facing now and in the future. Timothy P. Shriver is President and Chief Executive Officer of Special Olympics, Inc. In that capacity, he serves over one million Special Olympics athletes and their families in 145 countries worldwide. He was President of the 1995 Special Olympics World Games Organizing Committee in Connecticut, an event that hosted 7,000 athletes competing in 22 sports before worldwide media. Prior to joining Special Olympics, Shriver was Supervisor of the New Haven, Connecticut Public Schools’ Social Development Project, an initiative, which he launched in 1987. The project involves students, parents, teachers, administrators, community leaders and scholars in classroom and community efforts to prevent substance abuse, violence, and teen pregnancy. Before launching the project, Shriver was a teacher in the New Haven public schools and a teacher/counselor in the University of Connecticut’s Upward Bound program. In 1984, he won a Field Foundation Fellowship to study at The Yale Child Study Center’s School Development Program. In, 1994 Shriver helped launch a national organization to promote effective school-based prevention programming. He currently chairs the organization, the Collaborative for the Advancement of Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) at the University of Illinois. He has written extensively on these issues and has co-authored several publications, most recently, “Promoting Social & Emotional Learning: Guidelines for Educators,” published by the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. In recent years, he has applied his educational interests to film. He is the co-producer of DreamWorks Studios’ 1997 release, “Amistad”, and Disney Studios’, “The Loretta Claiborne Story”, scheduled for release in 1999. Shriver received his undergraduate education at Yale University, a master’s degree in Religion and Education from Catholic University, and a doctorate in education from the University of Connecticut. He holds numerous awards and honors including honorary degrees form Loyola University, New England College and Alberta Magnus College. He chairs the National Advisory Board of the Shriver Center at the University of Maryland at Baltimore, and he serves on the Boards of the J.F. K. Library foundation, American Bar Association Commission on Disability, Amsted America, Inc., and the Education Compact for Learning and Citizenship.
Keyword(s): . NA
Speaker: Timothy P. Shriver, Special Olympics, Washington, DC


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