387Thursday, April 11, 2002

8:45 AM-10:00 AMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 4
NASPE/National Council of Secondary School Athletic Directors
Recruiting Realities
Recruiting Realities educates and motivates through an entertaining, result-oriented 75 minute presentation that addressess all aspects of being a student-athlete and parent. During this presentation, you will learn: the value of academics in the recruiting process; unheard of opportunities available to student-athletes; the importance of the NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA recruiting standards; how to interpret written correspondence and phone contact; the 4-year high school step-by-step reality process; the 10 golden rules for establishing rapport with your student-athlete; the role of the high school councelor and coach.
Keyword(s): athletics/sports, coaching, high school issues
Speaker: Jack Renkens, Recruiting Realities, Inc, Scottsdale, AZ

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