820Saturday, April 13, 2002

1:00 PM-2:15 PMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 7B
AAHE/American Association for Health Education
Collaboration in Health Education Efforts
Many health education programs are faced with the reality of limited resources. At the same time, there is a growing expectation that services are making efforts to reach a diverse audience. Collaboration can help programs overcome the challenge of increasing the scope of individuals reached with limited resources. Collaboration is a tool that can maximize resources as well as more effectively influence the intended audiences. This interactive session promises to offer new ways to plan for collaboration, including how to identify new partners and assess current efforts. In addition, participants will leave with handouts that enable bringing activities back home.
Keyword(s): advocacy, diversity, health promotion
Presider: Kristine Brown, California State University, Pomona, Pomona, CA
Speakers: Mary T. Hoban and Tilly Gurman, American College Health Association, Baltimore, MD; and Veronica Acosta-Deprez, California State University, Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
Collaboration as a Tool to Reach a Diverse Audience
Tilly Ann Gurman and Mary T. Hoban, American College Health Association, Baltimore, MD

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